
Free Video Tutorial: Monosnap

2018年3月30日 — Monosnap is an incredibly capable screen snapshot and screen capture tool for the Mac (and Windows.) It has simple screenshots as well as ...

How to use Monosnap to take screenshots or video recording

Step 1: Go to Monosnap page at Chrome Web Store.


2023年6月22日 — Select area and hold ⌘ button to enable timer for 5 sec. before taking a screenshot. Hold Spacebar button and drag the selected area to move.

Monosnap Free

2024年2月26日 — Monosnap Free is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for capturing, editing, and sharing screenshots and screen recordings. With Monosnap Free, you ...

Recording Presentations using Monosnap

Recording Presentations using Monosnap · Open Monosnap and click on the · From the dropdown menu, select record desktop · A black recording pane will appear.


2018年3月30日—MonosnapisanincrediblycapablescreensnapshotandscreencapturetoolfortheMac(andWindows.)Ithassimplescreenshotsaswellas ...,Step1:GotoMonosnappageatChromeWebStore.,2023年6月22日—Selectareaandhold⌘buttontoenabletimerfor5sec.beforetakingascreenshot.HoldSpacebarbuttonanddragtheselectedareatomove.,2024年2月26日—MonosnapFreeisapowerfulandeasy-to-usetoolforcapturing,editing,andsharingscree...